Seminar on firearms legislation

Des Crofton, director of the National Association of Regional Game Councils (NARGC ), has been invited by Belcarra Gun Club to address the hunting and shooting sports men and women of Mayo on the long-awaited Firearms Legislation Act, soon to be implemented by the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform, on Friday night September 19 in Belcarra Community Centre at 9pm.

Mr Crofton is currently conducting seminars nationwide in an effort to bring all gun owners up to date with all legislation pertaining to shotguns, rifles and handguns.

If you are a member of a shooting club or an independent gun owner this seminar will be of benefit to you. Booking would be advisable as spaces are limited. For further information and booking contact Gerard Bourke on 087 281 2094 or David Flannely 087 613 4004.


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