Man told garda to summons his rear end

An intoxicated Ballina man who told a garda to summons his rear end, and also threatened to headbutt the Garda, pleaded guilty before Ballina District Court this week.

Garda Rebecca Fearon outlined that Malachy McGinty, 11 Cluain Na Rí, Ballina was observed on Monday July 14 in Pearse Street at 2.40am urinating in the door of a premises. The defendant, who was intoxicated, gave a false name and address to the garda when asked his details. Gda Fearon asked McGinty to leave the area as he could face being arrested and a court appearance, to which the defendant bent over, gestured to his posterior and said “f***ing summons that”.

The patrol car was called and when placing McGinty in the car he told the garda that he “would f***ing headbutt” her and continued roaring and being aggressive. On arrival at Ballina Garda station the garda on station duty identified the man as McGinty.

Defending solicitor John Gordon said that his client was apologetic following the incident and even wrote to the garda apologising for his behaviour. Mr Gordon said that McGinty, who has previous convictions, has a serious alcohol problem but noted that he has not been seen by gardaí in a long time, to which Judge Patrick Clyne said that more that enough “bits of him” were seen the night of the incident.

Mr Gordon said that the actions of the defendant were triggered after he met his father for the first time in 29 years, which made him “go on the tear”.

Judge Clyne ordered that McGinty pay €500 to Hope House before January 27 in which case the Probation Act would be applied; if the fine was not paid a conviction and fine would be imposed.


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