Turning old, tired wooden floors back to new again!

That is what the local branch of the Ultimate Floor Sanding Company has been successfully doing for domestic and commercial customers all over Mayo.

More and more people are choosing to fit wooden flooring to benefit from the natural beauty of wood in their homes and also realise the hygienic benefits vs. carpet. However, you may have existing solid wooden flooring that has been scratched or heel marked, it may have faded over time or possibly you have newly discovered the original flooring after removing carpet. In these cases, if your boards are solid it may be worth considering restoration rather than expensive and disruptive replacement, giving you a designer floor at a fraction of the cost of a new installation.

Local Ultimate Floor Sanding Company branch owner Malcolm Cooney said: “We specialise in turning back the clock on old wooden floors. My customers are often amazed at how quickly we can restore a floor to an as-new finish.”

But what about mess, isn’t floor sanding very dusty? Not according to Malcolm. “Our unique process is totally dust free and uses low odour environmentally friend products — so there is no dust, smell or mess. Also because we use the most modern products there are no harmful chemicals or residues which traditional sanding companies suffer from — particularly important if you have young children in the house.”

Are there any downsides? “None really, given uninterrupted access to the rooms and floors we can often be finished in a single day, allowing the room to be used again the day after.” Malcolm enthused.

So if you have old wooden floors why not consider renovation as an option for that timeless designer look to your rooms? The Ultimate Floor Sanding Company can be contacted on 1890 252383 or via www.ultimatefloorsanding.com


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