Don’t risk driving the morning after

One standard drink = one hour to leave your system

One standard drink takes one hour to leave your system and there is no way to speed this up, so do the maths and don’t risk the morning after, is the advice from ahead of the August Bank Holiday Weekend.

A glass of stout /lager/cider, a small glass of wine or a pub measure of spirits is equal to one standard drink. A standard drink measures the amount of alcohol, not the amount of liquid you’re drinking. If you are wondering how many standard drinks are in what you would normally drink on a night out — log on to and work out just how many there are on the handy his and her drinks calculator. If you are drinking at home this weekend, remember that your measures may be more generous than those in the pub, so you could end up drinking a lot more than you realise.

There are lots of myths out there about cures and soakage strategies. The only cure is time and although drinking water and eating may make you feel better, they won’t make you safe to drive.


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