Thirty six people in pub after hours

The licensee of the Beaten Path, Brize, Claremorris, was before Castlebar District Court on Wednesday after 36 people were detected on the premises at 1.55am in February this year.

Sergeant Henry Gill told the court that on February 14 he noticed a number of cars were outside the premises and that the lights were on, even though it was past closing hours. The main doors of the bar were closed, however Sgt Gill managed to gain entry to the premises through the emergency exits after someone left through these doors.

Upon entering, the sergeant counted 36 people inside, many who had full drinks in front of them. The licensee of the premises, Siobhan Jennings, Townalough, Claremorris, was not present, but her husband, Noel Jennings, was. Mr Jennings told the sergeant that the group of people were part of a wedding party who had a meal on the premises earlier that night and were waiting for taxis. He asked the sergeant what he was to do, “put them out onto the street?”

Jennings, who received her licence last year, was convicted and fined €500 by Judge Mary Devins.


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