New Cathaoirleach of Westport requests cut in his allowance

Commercial rate in the town not to increase

Fine Gael Councillor Myles Staunton accepted the chain of office on Monday night making him Westport’s new first citizen, with one of his first duties as Cathaoirleach asking that a 20 per cent deduction be made in the Cathaoirleach’s allowance as a symbol reflecting the current economic struggles. The councillor also noted a number of enterprising proposals which he hopes to implement during his term in office which will benefit the town of Westport.

Some positive news which Cllr Staunton intends to oversee is that the commercial rate in the town will not increase, that the Quay area will be enhanced, and that a second significant youth project, alongside the Cove Youth Café, will be operational within the town.

The new Cathaoirleach hopes that significant savings can be made in relation to conference attendance by councillors, in that any conferences an individual attends must be relevant to a committee the councillor sits on and those who attend must report key findings which will benefit the town at council meetings.

Regarding potential new businesses in Westport, Cllr Staunton said that he will work closely with the Multi Agency Enterprise Group and the Chamber of Commerce in order to promote Westport as a potential location for new business.

During his year as Cathaoirleach, Cllr Staunton also wants to enhance the link between the council and the people of the town, with meetings to be held openly; with the system of workshops, which are not open to the public, to continue to be the exception rather than the norm.

Cllr Staunton said that he looks forward to working with the various organisations within the town such as the Tidy Towns and Destination Westport as well as fully supporting all sporting organisations.


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