Kilcoyne queries Health Services at MUH

Cllr Michael Kilcoyne was recently elected Vice Chair of the Regional Health Forum Committee and is pictured here with former MUH manager Tony Canavan, now CEO of the Saolta University Health Care Group /Executive Chair of the Regional Health Forum West.

Cllr Michael Kilcoyne was recently elected Vice Chair of the Regional Health Forum Committee and is pictured here with former MUH manager Tony Canavan, now CEO of the Saolta University Health Care Group /Executive Chair of the Regional Health Forum West.

Health Forum West member and Mayo County Councillor, Michael Kilcoyne, is to raise a number of local health issues at the upcoming forum meeting due to take place in Galway on September 26 next, including the provision of certain services such as Emergency and mobile X-ray services, at Mayo University Hospital.

Cllr Kilcoyne has submitted the following written queries in advance of the forum, for which responses will be provided on the day - (members must submit queries prior to September 8 for inclusion ):

Questions from Cllr Michael Kilcoyne for HSE West Forum Meeting of 26th September 2023:

1. Please list by month since 1st January 2023 to date the number of people on trollies for more than 24 hours in Mayo University Hospital.

2. Please let me have a detailed up to date report on the progress of the proposed new A& E Unit at Mayo University Hospital and also the proposed new additional patient accommodation facilities at Mayo University Hospital. When is the construction likely to commence and when are they likely to be operational?

3. In relation to the rollout of the new community based mobile Xray service to help older patients avoid emergency departments - when in 2024 will this service be rolled out for Mayo and Galway? Why is there such a delay in rolling out this service in the west when 14 other counties already have it? Will this service be available free of charge to all older patients?

4. What number of patients per day, attend Mayo University Hospital for kidney dialysis treatment? What number of patients from Mayo have to travel each day to University Hospital Galway for dialysis or to other locations outside Mayo? Why is Mayo University Hospital not in a position to cater for all the patients from Mayo who need dialysis?

Under the current format for the Health Forum West meetings, written responses to all queries raised are provided to members on the day of the meeting - with members then given an opportunity to further expand on the query in person, if the response is deemed insufficient. With up to 100 questions raised per meeting, Forum sittings generally last several hours, with questions dealt with on a first come/first served basis.


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