Don’t be a mug on Father’s Day

Win one of 10 Father’s Day mugs

Why not break an age old tradition this Father’s Day and instead of resorting to uninspiring gifts like socks and CDs, give your Dad a unique, practical and wise gift that will remind him to keep safe all year round when behind the wheel - a road safety mug.

The road safety office of Mayo County Council has had a mug with a difference produced. This mug contains road safety messages for its user ‘Wear Seat Belts’, ‘Never Drink and Drive’ and ‘Never Speed’ are inscribed on the mugs.

More than 3,200 people — the equivalent of eight jumbo jets — die in road crashes every day. What are we doing to tackle this global disaster?

We are asking all fathers to lead by example on Father’s Day and every day they get behind the wheel, to drive safely and for all sons and daughters to remind their fathers of the dangers on our roads.

“Last year 279 people were killed in road collisions, although we take some encouragement that the number is down, it is still a tragic waste of life,” said Mr Noel Gibbons, Road Safety Officer.

“Statistics show that more accidents occur in the summer months than at any other time of the year which is why we are organising a number of events in Co Mayo.”

Michael Rowland of the Road Safety Authority advices all fathers/guardians to exercise care, caution and consideration towards all road users at all times. Parents play a crucial role in imparting road safety knowledge to their children and developing an understanding of the risks involved.

It is important that as a parent you think about the lessons you are teaching your children and the examples you are setting each time you sit behind the wheel. Research shows that the way young adults act behind the wheel has a great deal to do with what they have seen since they were toddlers travelling as passengers in the back seat of their parent’s car. “It is vital that we all take greater personal responsibility to stop the carnage on our roads,” said Mr Rowland.

If you want to win one of 10 mugs e-mail a Father’s Day road safety message to [email protected] and the best 10 entries will receive a mug.


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