Calleary welcomes new initiatives for the unemployed

Minister for Labour Affairs, Dara Calleary TD today has welcomed the announcement of the details of the Work Placement Programme and a pilot Short Time Working Training Programme. Both of these activation programmes, which are aimed at assisting the unemployed and those on a reduced working week, were contained in last month’s Supplementary Budget.

Minister Calleary said: “These new programmes are in addition to the 128,000 training and activation places for the unemployed already announced this year. This is a substantial increase on the approximate 66,000 places taken up last year and reflects the importance that the Government places in ensuring that that every effort is made to keep jobseekers motivated, appropriately skilled and as close to the labour market as possible. The majority of these additional places are being provided under FÁS Training Initiatives Strategy and are short courses.”

The Work Placement Programme is a six-month work experience programme for an initial 2,000 individuals who are currently unemployed. Under this programme there will be two streams each consisting of an initial 1,000 places. The first stream is for graduates who before this year have attained a full award at level 7 or above on the National Framework of Qualifications and who have been receiving Job Seeker’s Allowance for the last six months.

The second stream will be open to all other individuals who have been receiving Job Seeker’s Allowance for the last six months. Under this stream 250 places are being ring fenced for those under 25 years of age.

Participants on both streams of the Work Placement Programme will continue to receive their existing social welfare entitlements from the Department of Social and Family Affairs for their duration on the programme.

The pilot Short Time Working Training Programme will provide two days training a week for 277 workers over a 52-week period. Under this scheme, workers who are on systematic short time working for 3-days a week and receiving social welfare payments for the two days they are not working will receive training for these two days. Participants on this programme will continue to receive their existing social welfare entitlements from the Department of Social and Family Affairs.

Minister Calleary confirmed that from June 2 FÁS local offices will be taking applications from people who are interested in either the Work Placement Programme or the Short Time Working Training Programme with a view to placing them or commencing their training within a period of weeks.

“I would encourage those who meet the eligibility criteria for these programmes to take the chance to use their skills or up skill themselves so that they are best placed to avail of the opportunities that will arise in the future upturn of our economy,” Minister Calleary concluded.


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