Local exercise classes in Mayo are helping the over 55s to turn back time

A new fitness programme that helps older people to turn back the clock by ten years is proving popular in Mayo.

Kate Donnelly is running 'Move it or Lose It' exercise classes for the over 55s aimed at those who might think that exercise classes aren’t for them and avoid the gym but who want to stay active and younger for longer.

Each exercise class helps to improve flexibility, aerobic health, balance and strength. The group sessions are delivered in a way that encourages and motivates people to join in and have fun whatever their age or ability. The classes offer opportunities to socialise as well as exercise along with noticeable benefits to mobility, health and wellbeing.

Kate says behind the fun of the class is a serious mission to help people stay independent for longer, "It’s unbelievable to think that 25% of women and 7% of men over the age of 70 do not have sufficient leg strength to get out of a chair without using their arms. This is when the problems begin as they are at risk of losing their strength and independence. Just doing the right exercises can turn back the clock so they can keep doing the things they love for longer."

To try a Move it or Lose It class, contact Kate on kate.donnelly@moveitorloseit.co.uk or (085 ) 7558361 or find them on Facebook @moveitorloseitm.


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