Ireland West Airport Run coming up

There is just over a week to go until the return of the Ireland West Airport 5km Runway Fun Run, in association with Portwest.

The fifth annual charity 5k runway fun run will take place on the runway at Ireland West Airport at 5pm on Saturday, September 10. All are welcome to attend with all proceeds from the event going to their three nominated charities for 2022, Childhood Cancer Ireland, The Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust and The Sensational Kids Project.

As an added incentive this year, all who sign up online to take part in the Runway Fun Run will be entered into a draw to win a pair of flights to Palma Majorca. All participants on the day will receive a free commemorative runway run t-shirt which can be collected at the airport on the day of the event or on a pre-arranged date leading up to the event which will be advised closer to the event time.

Book your place on the 2022 Ireland West Airport Runway Run now at


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