Croí teams up with pharmacies across Mayo to offer free blood pressure checks for September

Own it, Check it and Sort it as part of Croí’s Third Age Mayo Programme

Did you know that uncontrolled high blood pressure can increase your risk of heart disease and stroke?

The Croí Third Age Mayo programme, which aims to promote healthy cardiovascular ageing, is delighted to partner with local pharmacies across Mayo for the month of September to offer free blood pressure checks to anyone who has not had their blood pressure checked in the past year, with a particular focus on those over 55 years of age.

"We’re delighted to be back in Mayo this September following the success of our May Measurement Month campaign. The prevalence of high blood pressure in Ireland, particularly for people over the age of 55, is startling.

"At last year’s blood pressure measurement event in Mayo, 51% of people had elevated blood pressure, and only 37% of people taking medication for high blood pressure had a reading that was under the recommended level. Early detection is key and will save lives", says Dr Lisa Hynes, Croí’s Head of Health Programmes.

Until September30th, over 30 pharmacies across Mayo will be participating in this initiative. Visit one of the participating pharmacies for your free blood pressure check and ‘Own it, Check it and Sort it!’. For the latest list of participating pharmacies, please visit

New Croí ‘My Blood Pressure’ Programme Members of the public found to have high blood pressure will be offered information and advice, as well as the opportunity to take part in a free Croí blood pressure management programme delivered by the Croí multi-disciplinary health team


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