"If you have the will, we have the way" says HSE Quit Smoking West Service

Don’t worry if you have not succeeded in your last quit smoking attempt. Almost 70% of people who used the FREE HSE Quit Smoking West Service last year have successfully quit smoking.

Maria from Galway who has successfully quit said: "The information initially given provided me with the help in planning to succeed. Also the one-to-one mentor support was someone who helped inspire and motivate me. Anne Marie was always at the other end of the phone. She was a gift to help and gave me the inspiration.”

Maria was referred by her GP to quit smoking and put in touch with Anne-Marie, a specially trained HSE Stop Smoking Advisor, who provided Maria with six weeks of one-to-one support over the telephone. This support included advice on the use of Nicotine Replacement Therapy and healthy ways to cope with the withdrawal effects of smoking. The Stop Smoking Advisor checks in with the person again at three months and a year to check on their progress.

HSE Quit Smoking West Service continued: "Maria had tried to quit before on her own using the nicotine lozenges, but this time, with the advice from her Stop Smoking Advisor, she used the nicotine patch and the nicotine gum and found it much easier to stay quit.

"Nicotine Replacement Therapy gives a person a low level of nicotine which allows them to cope with the withdrawal symptoms of stopping smoking or vaping.

Evidence has shown that those who use a combination of slow acting (patch ) and fast acting (eg lozenges/gum/spray ) Nicotine Replacement therapy find it easier to quit. People who use the support of a Stop Smoking Advisor and Nicotine Replacement therapy are four times more likely to quit successfully.

"For the remainder of 2022, everyone can now get free Nicotine Replacement Medication. People who want to quit need to contact the Quit Smoking West Service to avail of this.

"A recent survey showed that satisfaction rates with the Quit Smoking West service are extremely high, with 91% saying they were extremely satisfied with the support they received. 100% said they would recommend the Quit Smoking West Service to a friend or family member, and 95% said they would contact the service again if needed.

"Even in times of Covid-19 and having to move to telephone sessions, the responses were extremely positive. Respondents reported many benefits of quitting smoking, the top five mentioned were: “My health has improved”, “I find it easier to breathe”, “I have more energy”, “I have more money”, “I am happier”.

"Quit Smoking West also run free Quit Smoking Groups where people may like the support of others to help them quit as well as getting additional support around healthy eating and active living. There are Stop Smoking Advisors in Galway, Mayo and Roscommon who are there to support you to quit. They can provide support over the phone, video link or a face-to-face meeting."

Call or email to book an appointment today: Quit Smoking West Service, phone (091 ) 737262 or email- quitsmoking.west@hse.ie .


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