New sensory room opens in Ballina Library

Ballina Library is one of the first libraries in Ireland to provide a specially-designed Sensory Room for its users. A sensory room is an enclosed space with great potential for self-led sensory experiences.

The beautiful new room in Ballina contains a light-up bubble tube, soft-glow cubes, a projector, and a "cosy nook" with LED lighting and a variety of sound options.

County Librarian Austin Vaughan stated: "Coming to an unfamiliar public building - even one as welcoming as a library, can put considerable strain on a child with autism or a person with sensory difficulties.

"I know parents who avoid visiting new places out of fear. To have this facility here, it gives parents the peace of mind to know they can visit the sensory room when needed.

"We want it to be an all-inclusive dedicated space for library users that will provide relaxation and enjoyment, stimulate sensory input and facilitate communication and mobility for the service users."

The sensory room was launched by Cllr Mark Duffy and Amanda McGuinness from, an advocacy group that provides information and education on autism, who also spoke at the launch. The feedback from families, parents, and staff has been excellent already. Users are delighted to have such an asset in Ballina that creates a positive and relaxing atmosphere for children and their families.

The project took just over one year to become a reality. The new space involved the redesign of an existing area which had been an office. This project adds to the library’s suite of sensory equipment which includes sensory cubbies in Castlebar and Swinford and magic tables in Belmullet and Ballina, all with the aim of making library services accessible to all.

The Sensory Room was funded by the DRCD through the dormant accounts fund. The room can be booked by contacting Ballina Library (096 ) 70833.


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