Local teachers receive ASTI medals

Two former Mayo teachers were rewarded for their services to the Association of Secondary Teachers Ireland (ASTI ) recently. James Duffy and Antoinette Casey were presented with their awards at a ceremony which took place in the Gresham Hotel, Dublin, on Friday last May 27.

James Duffy, a former teacher at Balla Secondary School, Castlebar, is a member of the ASTI West Mayo branch of the ASTI, and received a Thomas MacDonagh Medal in honour of his service to the ASTI.

This medal recognises extraordinary service to the union by members. It is named after the historical figure Thomas MacDonagh, who is a founder member of the ASTI. James also represented Region 2 (West Mayo, East Mayo, Carrick-on-Shannon ) on the ASTI Standing Committee and the ASTI Central Executive Council.

Antoinette Casey, a former teacher at St Joseph’s Secondary School, Castlebar, received an award for service to the ASTI. The PJ Kennedy Award is presented to ASTI members who have given valuable service to the union at branch level. As a member of ASTI West Mayo Branch, Antoinette worked with teachers in her area to ensure their voice was heard at local and national level, both within the ASTI and in the wider world of education.


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