70 years and counting of success for Castlebar ICA

The Castlebar Guild of the Irish Countrywomen’s Association should have been celebrating its 70th anniversary in 2020.

Although a few members of the guild marked the occasion by meeting in a socially distancing manner in 2020, it is only fitting that the remarkable milestone should be marked by a wonderful gathering of members, fellow members from around the county and special guests.

To this end, the ladies, in true tributes to their friendship and having fun, they celebrated by having a meal in Corleys of Ballintubber on Friday, May 13. It was a wonderful occasion and there were many memories revived and retold.

It all began with a notice in the Connaught Telegraph on October 28 in 1950 advertising that a meeting would be held on November 1. One hundred and six members enrolled with the late Joan O’Malley elected as the first president. The meeting was addressed by the National organiser Miss Phyliss O’Connell outlining the objectives of the organisation, and was held in the Green Bay Café.

Those objectives incorporated the bringing of women together in fellowship and through co-operative effort, to develop and improve the standard of rural and urban life in Ireland through education having due regard for irish culture.

For over seven decades now, the Castlebar Guild of the ICA has been an integral part of community life in and around Castlebar. It is still a great social outlet for women for its monthly business meetings, social events and its weekly work nights. At the work nights, they share skills and watch demonstrations given by others.

The guild is deeply involved in community affairs and features strongly in fundraising for charitable organisations. They have represented the Federation of all the Mayo guilds at national finals of golf, pitch and putt, table quizzes, creative writing and various cookery competitions.

The guild is represented on the board of management of the CRC and Social Services. They are also affiliated to the Association Country Women of the World.

Celebrating over 70 years, the guild is still in great shape, a credit to the ladies who have put their faith in the guild so diligently over the years, and who guide the Association today.

Castlebar guild meets every Monday in the Social Services Centre at 8pm, and all are welcome to join them there. For further information about the ICA go to www.ica.ie or contact the Mayo liaison officer Jenny Murray on (086 ) 0825760.


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