Close to €5 million in health capital funding announced for Mayo

Almost €5 million in capital funding for Mayo University Hospital and other healthcare facilities in Mayo was announced yesterday.

The biggest investment will see €3.91 million invested for an electrical upgrade at Mayo University Hospital, with €530,000 for reconfiguration and upgrade of the hospital's Sterile Services Department; €300,000 for new ground floor extension of the emergency department and reconfiguration of the existing emergency department with an additional seven assessment and treatment spaces - along with a new medical assessment unit at first floor level with an additional ten new assessment spaces.

The reconfiguration of C-Ward to facilitate the new build tie-in and the provision of additional isolation rooms has also been provided for, and €70,000 has been allocated for an updated development control plan for the hospital campus and adjacent lands in conjunction with Mayo County Council's local area plan.

There is also funding for replacement community nursing units in Ballina and Belmullet and €100,000 for the refurbishment of two high support community residences, An Coilín and Teach Aisling in Castlebar to accommodate nine residents in three residential units.

The funding was welcomed by Government Oireachtas members, with Fianna Fáil Senator Lisa Chambers saying: "I am delighted to see funding of almost five million euro under the 2022 Capital Plan being allocated to healthcare facilities in Mayo.

"This is essential funding that is badly needed to improve facilities and services. I worked closely with my colleague Minister Stephen Donnelly to secure funding for Mayo University hospital and I am glad to see it come to fruition.

"As always, I want to commend the staff at MUH who do fantastic work. We are very lucky to have a hospital in the County town and it is important that we continue to invest in its future."

Fine Gael deputy Michael Ring said: "I welcome this funding for projects in Mayo. Our health system continually requires investment in capital projects to meet the needs of the people of Mayo.

"In fact, our greatest asset in the Mayo health system is the staff who have worked tirelessly to treat people with dignity, respect and the best care possible."

His party colleague Deputy Alan Dillon welcomed in particular the funding for refurbishment of the residential units, saying: "This is hugely important to improvement the services and conditions for the residents of these units with complex needs."


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