Chambers welcomes new strategic action plan for the National Parks and Wildlife Service

Local Fianna Fáil Senator Lisa Chambers has welcomed the publication of a new strategic action plan for the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS ) following Government approval. The plan sets out an ambitious timeline for a full organisational restructuring of the NPWS, and a substantial €55 million additional investment in the organisation across three budgetary cycles, together with the early recruitment of 60 key staff for critically important roles. Senator Chambers commented: "The renewal of the National Parks and Wildlife Service is the keystone action in this Government’s response to the biodiversity emergency and I am delighted to see a suite of strategic actions to transform the organisation, which have now been approved at Cabinet. The NPWS will be established as an executive agency, giving it a strong identity and voice to speak for nature. The funding commitment will enable the NPWS to embrace Ireland’s ambitions for nature and help us begin to turn the tide on biodiversity loss." This strategic action plan aims to deliver an NPWS that is more resilient, better resourced, and better equipped to play its part in Ireland’s response to the biodiversity emergency, on the national and international stage. The plan will equip the NPWS with the organisational capability and supporting structures to enable it to deliver its mandate in protecting our natural heritage. The announcement fulfils an important commitment in the Programme for Government, providing for a significant investment in, and a renewal of, the National Parks and Wildlife Service. This renewal is underpinned by a comprehensive, expert review of the organisation, which has now been completed by independent authors. The strategic action plan is designed to implement and deliver upon the recommendations made by the review.


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