Can you chew your way to exam success?

New research has revealed that chewing sugar free gum may have a positive effect on the academic performance of students, so what better time for school and university students preparing to sit exams to take small steps, like chewing gum, to help their performance.

Research at the Baylor College of Medicine examined whether chewing sugarfree gum can lead to better academic performance. The research found that students who chewed gum had a significantly greater increase in their standardised math test scores after 14 weeks, compared to those who did not chew gum.

Chewing gum was associated with a three per cent increase in standardised math test scores, a small but statistically significant change, and their final grades in the math class were also significantly better than those who didn’t chew gum.

Previous research carried out in a laboratory setting has shown that chewing gum can help reduce stress, improve alertness, and relieve anxiety.


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