Refuelling ageing bodies — human energy in capsules

Scientists have discovered the substance that produces energy in our cells. It is a vitamin-like substance called co-enzyme Q10 which cells need in order to make energy from fat, carbohydrate, and protein. Today they are able to manufacture the "fuel of life" and place it in edible capsules as a nutritional supplement. Millions of people throughout the world take co-enzyme Q10 on a daily basis in order to conquer fatigue and lack of energy.

For the first time in the history of man, it is possible to take a capsule containing the body's own natural energy source. The result? More energy and physical well-being. Science has even proven that co-enzyme Q10 strengthens the heart and is able to counteract periodontal disease (gingivitis ). Our liver produces a certain amount of Q10, but as we grow older its production of the substance dwindles, eventually resulting in a deficit. Also, a number of ailments empty our Q10-depots, thereby increasing the need for a supplement.

Q10 is found naturally in several food items, some of the best sources being beef and pork, chicken, nuts, and broccoli, but it is difficult to determine whether or not we get sufficient amounts of Q10 through our daily diet. Nonetheless, scientific research has documented that a supplement can help us combat such common conditions as: Fatigue and lack of energy, a weak heart, and preventing the side effects of cholesterol-lowering drugs.

Decreasing energy levels

Until the age of 20-25 years, a normal healthy individual is not likely to experience an actual energy shortage, apart from the reversible state of exhaustion that follows a physically enduring task such as competitive sport or alike. The liver, in other words, is able to synthesise Q10 in the amounts needed for a well-functioning energy metabolism. However from our mid-twenties on, more or less permanent shortages may occur. Our endogenous Q10 production dwindles, causing energy “drops” and, in worse cases, disease. Since the discovery of Q10, science has learned how important this active agent is to human health and perhaps more importantly, how to prevent some of the problems that occur as a result of a Q10 shortage.

Turning back the clock

Now, thanks to the discovery of how Q10 works, you can take it as a supplement from your local pharmacy, thereby giving your body a natural boost that helps it step up its energy production. In a sense, it is like turning back the clock. People who start using Q10 do describe the effect as having new batteries installed. It doesn’t give you an instant “kick” like black coffee or ginseng. It has a permanent effect that typically sets in a few weeks after you start taking it. Suddenly, you feel that you can overcome much more. You don’t need as much sleep, you feel much more alert, you find yourself doing things you didn’t have the energy for earlier, like garden work, housework, and playing with your grandchildren.

Studies show the way

Numerous scientific studies have been conducted, many of them demonstrating how Q10 boosts energy levels. In a group of top-notch Finnish cross-country skiers, those supplemented with Q10 in capsules had significantly more endurance, compared with those who got identical capsules with an inactive substance. Moreover, the Q10-supplemented athletes fared better in competition and training events and even recovered faster.

Here are some other indications scientists have discovered about co-enzyme Q10:


Co-enzyme Q10 is vital for the heart, as your heart needs to produce huge amounts of energy to support its pumping action. Not surprisingly, people with chronic heart failure (or “energy starved hearts”, as cardiologists call it ) respond extremely well to supplementation with co-enzyme Q10. In fact, Q10 is a well-documented and recognised therapy in the treatment of chronic heart failure.

Counteracting side effects of statins

Statins, a widely used class of cholesterol-lowering drugs, are believed to cause exercise intolerance and damage muscle tissue. A team of researchers from Columbia University discovered in 2004 the reason for that. They described how their patients on cholesterol-lowering medicine (atorvastatin ) displayed significant reductions in their levels of co-enzyme Q10. They drew the conclusion that the comprehensive Q10 reduction observed with statin use may explain commonly reported side effects like fatigue, exercise intolerance, muscle pain as well as muscle degeneration.

You can buy Q10 at in pharmacies and health food stores nationwide.


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