My weekly diary

Operation Alteration @ Castle Leisure Club

Well readers, my Operation Alteration journey has hit a small stumbling block. The delicate matter of an inflamed nerve in my back (yes it’s as sore as it sounds ), means I’m limited in what exercise I can do. But fear not, this course is all encompassing and while I may have to shelve the classes for a week, I’ve not been given any reprieve from filling out food diaries and that must continue with care and diligence.

Now just to set the record straight, it wasn’t anything I did at Operation Alteration that caused this onset of pain — it’s just one of those things that comes back to niggle from time to time. Pity it couldn’t have been more considerate and waited until I’d finished my course but alas that wasn’t to be.

It’s amazing how much you enjoy exercising and attending classes when you are in the throes of doing a course like this. I have to say this week has been rather depressing and I’ve missed seeing the ladies with whom I go through the weekly grind.

But my chiropractor friend Ray Herring says he’ll have me back in action in no time, only problem is my dream of running the Flora Women’s Mini Marathon is also in tatters so if anyone wants to do the race I’ve a spare number!

And while I can’t get involved in step aerobics, circuits and cardio kick boxing, I’m not exempt from using the pool so I’ll be treating myself to a few swims and relaxing stints in the steam room over the coming days. I mean what other course would afford you the luxury to deviate from the planned classes and use the facilities as you please? Not many, that’s for sure, and that’s why I’m back at Operation Alteration for a third time.

Well we’re halfway through now and I must say I need to get my ass in gear if I’m to see any results at the end. Thank God I don’t own a weighing scales at home because the biggest mistake would be to torture yourself week in and week out and maybe even day in and day out on the scales when you are still coming to terms with getting the food diaries right and eating every two hours.

Yes, I said eating every two hours. That is the foundation of this course. The theory states that if you eat something (not a big slap up dinner but a piece of fruit, etc ) every two hours it will keep your metabolism working and the weight down. That’s the theory and that’s what Neville, CLC manager, has learned is the best approach to weight management through his extensive research. What’s great about Neville, too, is that he is constantly educating himself and information he gave to us at the first nutrition talk I ever attended was updated at the last one. Initially Neville had warned us to steer clear of coffee completely as coffee is so high in caffeine. If you spend the day drinking coffee and filling your body up with caffeine by the time you do some exercise that evening you would probably only work off the energy stored in your body from the caffeine and not even touch your fat reserves.

Now Neville has found some research which suggests that maybe one cup of coffee in the morning could help stimulate weight loss, but for the rest of the day steer clear.

Thank God I don’t drink the dreaded black stuff but I wonder has he found any research to suggest that chocolate turns fat to muscle. I doubt it.


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