Access for visitors to Mayo University Hospital will resume from Monday

Access for visitors will be by appointment only. Patients identify who they would like to visit and staff then telephone the nominated support person and offer a time slot.

Catherine Donohoe, Hospital Manager, Mayo University Hospital said: "We are delighted to be in a position to resume access for visitors, but at the same time we need to do everything we can to keep patients, visitors and staff safe and take every precaution to help prevent the introduction or spread of COVID-19.

"If you are a nominated support person (visitor ) for a patient in the hospital, we ask that you do not visit the hospital if you have any symptoms of COVID-19 or have been in contact with anyone with COVID-19.

"We will also ask the support person/visitor to complete a COVID-19 screening checklist and wear a surgical face mask during their visit and use the hand gel regularly. Children may not visit the hospital unless agreed in advance, on compassionate grounds, with the ward / unit manager.

"There are separate arrangements in place for access to the maternity department for nominated support partners, in line with national guidance. On behalf of the hospital, I would like to thank the public for their ongoing co-operation in ensuring we can facilitate visiting in a safe manner to protect both patients and visitors.”

In addition to resuming access to visitors, Mayo University Hospital is delighted to be developing Purposeful Visiting. This new and patient-focused approach to family and carer involvement will support patients who have special needs, frailty or other vulnerabilities who would benefit in having a presence during their hospital stay. The support provided by visitors will be jointly agreed with the patient, carer and ward staff on their admission.

Currently a team of staff, which is being led by nursing colleagues with support of the patient and family experience advisory committee, are working on this project and further details will be shared as the project progresses. It is anticipated that Purposeful Visiting will commence in later this year.


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