New online library on the way

Regular library users will have noticed many changes in their Mayo library branches over the past few years – from the scrapping of membership charges and fines to the addition of 3D printers and musical instruments – and the staff at Mayo County Library would like to let everyone know of another upcoming improvement to its service offering.

Those who are used to logging in to their library account from home to renew their books or request new titles should be very impressed by the new-look service, explains County Librarian Austin Vaughan. "It’s going to be a real reader’s page," he says. "Our library borrowers will be able to see what’s new in the library in a particular week and see lists of recommended reads. Colourful book covers have been added and it looks really great."

There will be a temporary period when access to online library accounts will be paused – in order to facilitate the system changeover; until Tuesday, March 28, library users won’t have access to their online accounts. They won’t be able to renew or request anything. However, all outstanding loans will be automatically renewed, so there won’t be any overdues. And library branches will remain open – people will still be able to return and borrow to their hearts’ content.

Those who use online library apps like BorrowBox (for ebooks and audiobooks ) or Libby (magazines ) or PressReader (newspapers ) can also rest assured – they’ll all continue to work as normal.

After March 29, when the new system goes live, anyone logging in for the first time will have to reset their PIN by clicking on the ‘forgot your PIN’ option. "Staff in all of our library branches will be happy to answer your queries and will also be able to reset your PIN, so be sure to ask," added Mr Vaughan. "We’re sorry for the temporary inconvenience but we’re sure everyone will enjoy their new library online account when it goes live next week."


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