Boost your chances of recovery post surgery

Could hyperbaric oxygenation help speed up your post-surgery recovery? Hyperbaric oxygenation is a recommended treatment for inflammation, tissue injury, non-healing wounds, skin flaps, skin grafts, burns and certain infections. Treatment for these conditions is covered by certain healthcare insurers at OxyGeneration in Galway City.

OxyGeneration stated: "Hyperbaric oxygenation involves breathing nearly 100% oxygen while under atmospheric pressure greater than at sea level. Breathing oxygen under pressure stimulates and supports the body’s natural healing process.

"The pressure allows more oxygen to dissolve in the blood plasma and helps bring more oxygen all over the body. When white blood cells receive enough oxygen, they can effectively fight infection and reduce swelling. It also encourages the growth of blood vessels. Since hyperbaric oxygenation helps the body heal at a deep cellular level, it can be used to treat a wide range of conditions that require healing.

"A skin graft is when skin is transplanted to help close a wound. A skin flap is a transplant that includes skin plus deeper tissues like muscle, blood vessels and bone. To be successful, both skin grafts and flaps need a healthy, oxygenated transplant site. Skin flaps and grafts that are treated with hyperbaric oxygenation heal faster and are more likely to be successful.

"The same principle applies to any post-surgery recovery. Hyperbaric oxygenation can help reduce the risk of infection, pain, inflammation, bruising and promote the healing of stitches and surgical incisions. Please see or contact (091 ) 394444 for information."


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