Mayo County Council is issuing a renewed call for landowners, farmers and householders to ensure their roadside hedges and overhanging trees are cut and maintained so that motorists, cyclists and pedestrians can travel safely on roads. The 2021/22 hedge cutting season which started on September 1, 2021, will end on February 28.
Mayo County Council is also calling on landowners/occupiers and householders to ensure that similarly overhanging vegetation in urban areas be cut back from footpaths and at junctions. They would like to thank all compliant landowners, occupiers and householders for their work within communities to make the roads in County Mayo safer for all road users.
Tom Gilligan, Director of Services with Mayo County Council said: "The Roads Department of Mayo County Council has had numerous representations from road users concerning the overgrown state of hedgerows and also overhanging trees along some of our rural roads and the serious road safety issues that can result.
"While we would like to compliment the many landowners who maintain their roadside hedges, there are a significant number who fail to cut and maintain their roadside hedges, resulting in road safety issues. We are calling on these to act before the hedge cutting season ends on February 28 to ensure that they properly maintain their roadside hedges and overhanging trees as they are obliged to do under the law."
The council would like to remind landowners that Japanese Knotweed should not be cut. No ground disturbance should take place at these sites at any time of year. Please report any instances of Japanese Knotweed to