Judge dismisses case involving attack on security guard

The case involving a Tesco security guard who had his eye and head glued after a fracas where he claimed that he was set upon by a number of youths, was dismissed by Judge Mary Devins at Castlebar District Court this week.

Evidence was heard in April this year that Keith Ring, 50 Castlegrove, Castlebar and Shannon Keoghane, 18 Hollow Grove, Castlebar were identified by the injured party as being assailants and Section 15 violent disorder charges were brought against the defendants.

At Wednesday’s sitting, Judge Devins said that she had considered the evidence and law as regards the charges brought against the defendants and said that it is her belief that the wrong charges were brought as these circumstances do not meet the criteria under Section 15 “whereby three or more persons who are present together at any place (whether that place is a public place or a private place or both ) use or threaten to use unlawful violence”. Therefore, three or more people should be prosecuted.

Judge Devins said that direction may be sought from the DPP and she adjourned the matter for mention to June 17.


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