Courtney raps “Scrooge” Fianna Fáil

Bernie Courtney, Labour Party candidate for Castlebar Town Council, has rapped the Government for its total lack of sensitivity and callousness in its recent cutbacks.

“It’s incredible that Fianna Fáil are contemplating cutbacks in children’s allowances, old age pensions and other welfare payments while at the same time handing millions of euro of the public’s money to the banks, who are responsible for having thousands of young couples virtually reduced to poverty,” said Ms Courtney.

“The closure of wards in hospitals in Mayo and throughout the country shows how uncaring the Government has become. They are totally lacking in compassion and are now hammering the poor for the sins of their super rich cronies who have put the country into hock,” said Ms Courtney.

It is important to have strong Labour representation at Castlebar Town Council and Mayo County Council, according to Ms Courtney. “The Labour Party has the best interests of all sections of society at heart and are not influenced by the banking brigade or big developers. People are extremely angry and are taking their annoyance out on Fianna Fáil canvassers on the doorsteps,” said Ms Courtney.

“A vote for the Labour Party candidates in Castlebar is striking a blow for honesty and fair representation. Fianna Fáil’s bluff is now being called and they will get their answer on June 5,” she added.


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