Aoife Ni Eochaidh is a multi-award-winning chartered physiotherapist and clinical specialist women’s health or pelvic physiotherapist. Her company is called International Pelvic Physiotherapy Management Ltd (IPPM ).
It provides a portfolio of services in the pelvic health space. Aoife has created a range of technology-based Menopause & Women’s Health & Fitness products.
Aoife stated: "Stress Incontinence is leakage of urine with coughing, sneezing or exercise. One in three women can have this embarrassing and very bothersome problem. Menopause, Pregnancy, Childbirth and Aging are the main causes of this type of leakage. Women with incontinence spend between €5 and €10 per week on incontinence pads. They hide the problem by wearing dark coloured clothing. Stress incontinence is treatable and preventable with pelvic floor muscle training."
Aoife has created a pelvic floor muscle training product which is called the Home Pelvic Routine. It is an on-line product consisting of high-quality exercise videos and E-Books for Women to train their weak pelvic floor muscles. The pelvic floor muscles form part of our core muscles.
Aoife’s Home Pelvic Routine for women with stress urinary incontinence has been created from learnings of 25 years of successfully treating patients with pelvic floor muscle weakness. Aoife uses an evidence-based approach to ensure optimal results. The Home Pelvic Routine is for sale on-line via Aoife’s website and feedback is very positive from users.
Aoife continued: "People that have purchased it have described it as awesome, life changing, simple and easy to use! People have encouraged their friends to buy it. People like that they can use the Home Pelvic Routine on their phone, their laptop or PC. The videos can be watched repeatedly, and the E-booklets can be downloaded and printed.
Aoife’s Home Pelvic Routine product is affordable, it retails at €70 (inc VAT ). She said: "There is a shortages of specialist pelvic physiotherapists globally. Home Pelvic Routine allows people to access high quality pelvic floor muscle training from anywhere in the world, in comfort and in privacy at an affordable price.
"The product is targeted mainly at women, including those going through or after menopause, and we have created a male version too. We are excited to have developed a range of products, including our soon-to-launch Home Pelvic Routine Advanced and Maintenance Products.
"Women of any age can use the product from new mums, new grandmothers, athletes, sporty teenagers, and / or ladies or men recovering from illness. It is aimed particularly at mothers with stress urinary incontinence both to prevent and solve pelvic floor muscle weakness and thus improving women’s and men’s health, fitness, and quality of life."
For further information please email or ring (087 ) 2863013. To purchase a Home Pelvic Routine Course please log on to or ring (087 ) 2863013. "With Incontinence the problems are awful but with Home Pelvic Routine Pelvic Floor Muscle Training the results are great!", said Aoife.