Weyergans High Care AG at JC Body and Beauty Clinic

Weyergans High Care AG expert with over 35 years of experience in the cosmetics and medical industry.

Experience effective, innovative treatment concepts with Weyergans High Care that keep your body healthy, beautiful and sustainably fit.

Unrivaled and proven for years. With the original treatment methods such as the Intermittent Vacuum Therapy with the Suction Pump Device (SPM ) , Dermio Plus Device or the Slide Styler for lymphatic drainage. Let the High Care brand become your recipe for Beauty and Health.

Original pressure wave massage. The principle of the mechanical lymphatic drainage with the help of cuffs on the feet and legs was already developed in the 80s. Users experience the proven Slide Styler today as an unrivaled original variant of this principle - for unique treatments with a feel-good character.

During a relaxing 30 minutes, the comfortable cuff pants are filled with pressure from the feet to the waist. Gently sliding waves are created, which can act like a massage on the tissue of the legs and abdominal wall.

Because a well-functioning lymphatic system is essential for healthy and beautiful skin. Ideally, lymphatic drainage should strike a balance between the amount of water in the tissue and lymphatic activity.

Lymphatic drainage benefits

(1 )Improves weight loss

(2 ) Stimulates blood circulation and tissue regenaration

(3 ) Helps with migraines and chronic pain

(4 ) Promotes healing after surgery or injury

(5 ) Improves immune system

(6 ) Reduces stress, anxiety and fatigue

(7 ) Improves cellulite

(8 ) Helps skin to glow and unblemish

(9 ) Helps with lymphodema

(10 ) Reduces water retention in the body

JC Body & Beauty Clinic, Shop no 3, New Street, Ballinrobe, Mayo, F31 EC62. Phone:(085 ) 2310971, email: jcbodyandbeautyclinic@gmail.com.


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