NDP must focus on sustainable infrastructure to ensure Ireland’s economic revival - Chambers Ireland

Chambers Ireland, the voice of business throughout Ireland, has welcomed the Government’s revised National Development Plan which was launched earlier this week.

Supporting the increased ambition in the plan, the organisation acknowledges the need for Government catch up on the lost decade of investment over the 2010s. In the medium to long-term, it believes that investment in infrastructure is the most effective way to achieve growth in the economy and will be key to developing the economy sustainably.

Chambers Ireland Chief Executive, Ian Talbot said: "The Government’s commitment to the capital investment programme is essential to our economic revival in the wake of Covid and Brexit shocks and will be critical to making our society resilient in the face of future challenges.

"As part of these efforts, Government must look towards activating our cities and towns as the sources of growth for Ireland. Investment in urban areas must be prioritised to unlock their enormous potential. Through this, communities will be revitalised, economic growth will become more inclusive, and resilience will develop.

"Long delayed infrastructure projects, particularly those involving renewable energy generation, our transmission networks and mass transport options need to see rapid progress. The 300,000 homes that are to be delivered before 2030 will need to be built around sustainable modes of transport, or else we they will be locking in another century of unnecessary emissions.

"The delivery of sustainable transport will be fundamental as we embark on a crucial decade in our climate efforts. Unless government creates green travel options, behaviour will not change.

"Ireland has an unparalleled opportunity to benefit from the ongoing revolution in the renewable energy revolution. Offshore energy has the potential to transform our country into a net energy exporter, help secure Europe’s energy supply, and reduce our dependency on fossil fuels."


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