Launch of the Safeguarding Children and Young People in Mayo Initiative

A new initiative is about to launch in Mayo to support organisations across the county that provide activities for children and young people.

The Safeguarding Children and Young People in Mayo Initiative is a partnership of agencies who are members of the Mayo Children and Young Persons Services Committee (CYPSC ).

This partnership is committed to ensuring that children and young people participate in safe and positive environments in services, clubs and activities provided in County Mayo.

The initiative, which is being led by the Child Safeguarding Subgroup of Mayo CYPSC, is being launched on October 1st, in an online event. This event was originally scheduled for May, but was cancelled due to the HSE cyber-attack.

Over the coming months, this project will host of a series of online events on different aspects of child safeguarding, including sessions on Children First, Child Safeguarding Statements and Designated Liaison Person Briefing.

Further sessions on awareness of domestic abuse, diversity and inclusion of children and dealing with bullying will follow.

Speaking ahead of the launch, Sandra Claxton, Tusla Children First Information and Advice Officer, said that the series of online events and supporting materials were carefully developed by all of the partners on the sub group, to provide community and voluntary groups with the assistance they need to navigate this important area.

“Organisations want to make sure that they are compliant with the Children First Act and child safeguarding, these online events will help to ensure this,” she explained.

Paddy Martin, Tusla Area Manager for Mayo and CYPSC Chairperson, said that he 'welcomed the Safeguarding initiative as it would provide guidance and reassurance to organisations that work with children which in turn will provide reassurance to parents knowing their children can experience a safe and positive environment'.

He thanked the Child Safeguarding Subgroup for their initiative in developing the briefings and pathways for organisations. For further information about Mayo CYPSC, please visit their web page:


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