News in Brief - Around the county

News from around the county

News in brief from around the county

Council approve lease of land for Claremorris Solar Park

The elected members of Mayo County Council, at their September meeting, approved a 25-year lease of 13.235 acres of land at Clare, Claremorris, at a cost of €800 per acre per annum, to Western District Energy Co-operative for the provision of a solar energy park. The proposed lease had already been approved at local level at the Claremorris-Swinford Municipal District.

60 homeless presentations so far this year

There have been 60 homeless presentations so far this year to Mayo County Council, according to the latest council management report. In July there were six presentations from six adults and in August there were eight, seven adults and one child, presenting as homeless to the local authority.

19 of 20 refusals under concrete block scheme lodge appeals

106 Stage 1 Confirmation of Eligibility Applications under the Defective Concrete Blocks Grant Scheme have been received by Mayo County Council. 74 Stage 1 Confirmation of Eligibility letters have issued, and 12 Stage 2 Grant Approval applications have been received, of which nine have been approved. 20 applications assessed under the scheme were deemed ineligible at this point. Appeals have been received in respect of 19 of these and appeals are currently being considered with physical inspections having already been carried out. It is expected that these appeals will be completed in the coming weeks.

25 FOI requests received

Mayo County Council received 25 Freedom of Information (FOI ) requests during the months of July and August according to the latest management report of Mayo County Council.

Ballina 2023 logo to be launched today

This morning, Friday, September 17 at 11am in the Jackie Clarke Collection Gardens in Ballina, the new logo for Ballina 2023 will be launched by members of Ballina Municipal District and the Ballina 2023 Steering Committee. Elements of a 3D version of the logo will come together for the first time to mark the start of the Ballina 2023 Community Engagement Programme and launch of the Brand Identity and New Website. Logo elements represent the varied communities, landscapes and identities associated with Ballina. The event will be followed by a short reception and a preview screening of the specially commissioned promotional film for Ballina 2023, The Calling.

Walk for Motor Neurone

This Sunday, September 19, there will be a walk from Breaffy GAA at 1pm in aid of Motor Neuron Disease, organised by Anne Jordan. Everyone is welcome to participate. To make a donation log on to

Big prizes up for grabs at Balla bingo

Drive-in bingo will take place in Balla this Sunday, with €9,000 in prizes up for grabs. If you would like to attend, contact (087 ) 0975802. To order your books go to before noon on Sunday to be in with a chance of winning some cash. Friends and Family from anywhere in the world can join Balla Bingo Online, spread the word and don’t miss out! Proceeds from the community bingo are reinvested in projects to benefit the community in Balla. Balla Bingo Online is looking for volunteers from the community to assist on Sunday evenings. If you are interested, please contact Balla CRD, or phone Seamus on (087 ) 1850860.

Ballyhaunis 50/50 winners

John and Claire Vahy were the winners of the latest Ballyhaunis GAA 50/50 draw - they won €440 in the draw - the next draw will take place in Fitzers on this Sunday, September 19.

Coffee morning in Balla

Balla CRD in conjunction with Balla Active Retirement Association will be hosting a coffee morning on Thursday, September 23, between 11am and 1pm in support of the Mayo Roscommon Hospice Foundation. If you would like to support this very worthy cause, please drop in to the Community Resource Centre to make a donation.


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