Mayo man returns home from Zambia

Darren Hennelly has returned home to Ballinrobe after working for 17 months in Mazabuka, Zambia, with Irish charity SERVE.

Speaking about his experience, Darren said: "I'm happy with the work that has been done while I have been in Mazabuka. It's been a challenging environment to work in but there is now a platform for further development and continued progress in the Assumption Parish.

"The experience leaves me with a range of emotions and memories to last a lifetime. Hopefully, I can make it back to Mazabuka some day to witness the progress. This experience makes me very humble and grateful for what I have."

Darren worked closely with the community in Assumption Parish and other partners in Mazabuka, Zambia. He was involved with project managing local school and youth centre building renovations, assisting local schools and organisations to create ways to become self-sufficient with funding from SERVE, and designing life skills training workshops and sports days for the youth.

Darren also initiated a community garden project with local youths. Darren graduated from GMIT in 2017 with a BA Honours in Applied Social Care. Before volunteering with SERVE, Darren has worked with Crannog Nua-Special Care Unit, Ballinrobe Family Resource Centre and Youth work Ireland (Tuam ).

At SERVE, Darren has been deeply involved with identifying the needs of its partners to ensure SERVE could offer the support they needed.

From observing life closely in Mazabuka, Darren explained: "When poverty and hunger are interwoven in life, and I mean when poverty and hunger are the only life one knows, then the choice of living or dying is a reality that can bring out the best or worst in people.

"From the people I’ve met, I can testify to their burning desire to survive amidst the hardship and I admire their unshakable sense of hope for what tomorrow may bring."

One of the most impactful programmes that Darren co-facilitated and designed with local partners in Mazabuka is a three-day leadership and life skills workshop in March 2021. Darren said: "It had some fantastic speakers on different topics and the feedback from participants, all ranging from 18 to 30 years of age, was very positive. The participants felt rewarded by learning skills they never knew they could learn, for example self-development skills."

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