Blacksod Lighthouse opening to the public

Comharchumann Forbartha Ionad Deirbhile (CFID ) is delighted to announce it will be opening Blacksod lighthouse to the public this summer.

Guided tours will be available in the Lighthouse, with stories being told of the history of Blacksod Lighthouse and interesting events which have happened over the years. This is part of an overall project which received RRDF funding in 2019.

Údarás na Gaeltachta, in conjunction with CFID, was successful in obtaining funding of €2.5 million through the RRDF, which is being co-funded by Roinn na Gaeltachta and Údarás na Gaeltachta, to extend the Ionad Deirbhile heritage centre in the Eachléim Gaeltacht and to develop Blacksod Lighthouse. The Údarás will have ownership of the new and exciting tourism hub in Eachléim and CFID will lease and manage the building.

The construction work contract was published on the etender website in January last with ‘Bright’ - a design company, now employed to carry out the project. It is hoped that the new tourism hub will be ready to open to the public early in 2023.

CFID added: "There is currently a lease being signed between the Commissioners of Irish Lights and Mayo County Council, who in turn will provide CFID with a licence to open the lighthouse for guided tours. Two rooms and the tower within the lighthouse will be interpreted.

"As the lighthouse will remain a working lighthouse, in that it will still be used by the rescue services and coast guard for refuelling, tours will be postponed should this service be required.

"We are also developing the coffee hub at Blacksod outside the lighthouse, which was opened initially last summer to provide a service of tea/coffee and snacks to the community and visitors alike. It is hoped to have this open again in the coming weeks."

More information to follow – keep an eye on their Facebook and Instagram pages at @Blacksodlighthouse and their website


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