Crossmolina flood scheme is moving forward - Calleary

Subject to a satisfactory conclusion of the Department for Public Expenditure and Reform's Consultation and Independent Review, the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform is to give statutory consent to a scheme that will allow the project team to bring the Crossmolina Flood Relief Scheme forward to Construction.

The news was delivered to Dara Calleary TD this week in reply to a Parliamentary Question raised by the Mayo Fianna Fáil Deputy in the Dáil.

Deputy Calleary said: "I have been in regular contact with Minister Michael McGrath on this essential project since he became Minister last summer – he assures me that once the Consultation and Independent Review is complete, he will be in a position to allow the project to proceed. He has also confirmed that the delivery of the scheme is a priority for the Office of Public Works and Mayo County Council.

"The proposed flood scheme for the River Deel is a diversion channel upstream of the town with a capacity of 110 cubic metres per second, which will redirect flood waters away from the town, directly to the flood plains of Lough Conn.

"The scheme will be designed to cater for the 100 year flood event, but can cater for a larger flood event, as the diversion channel has additional capacity. This will safeguard against flooding associated with potential future climate change, which could increase the magnitude of the 100 year flood event - the current design standard for the scheme.

"I want to thank Mayo County Council for their commitment to the project and local councillor Michael Loftus, who has kept the scheme on the agenda – I look forward to seeing it come to fruition."


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