News in Brief - Around the county

Take a quick tour though what's been going on around Mayo in our News in Breif section. 

Calleary welcomes extension to St Brendan's, Belmullet 

Mayo Fianna Fáil TD, Dara Calleary, stated this week that St Brendan’s College, Belmullet, has been approved for additional accommodation. Deputy Calleary said: "For the past number of months I have been working very closely with the management of St Brendan’s in respect of their application for additional accommodation and I am delighted to announce today that approval has been sanctioned. The additional accommodation comprises seven general classrooms, four SET rooms, two SEN rooms and a Textiles room, adding significant additional teaching and learning space to the school. St Brendan’s has a growing student enrolment and a very proactive and progressive management who have worked tirelessly to advance this application. I congratulate the management on this development and thank them and others, including my colleague Councillor Sean Carey, for their perseverance and assistance in getting to this stage. I look forward to the works commencing in the months ahead and to some local employment and business being generating by the project."

Everest Staircase Challenge gets underway today 

Ballina locals Shane and Fiona have organised an ‘Everest Staircase Challenge’ fundraiser with proceeds going to Mayo Roscommon Hospice Foundation and Irish Cancer Society Night Nursing. The duo are challenging people to complete as many flights of stairs as possible that would equate to climbing and conquering Mount Everest, from 10am today, Friday, April 2 to 10pm Easter Monday, April, 5. Shane said: "We are urging absolutely everyone to get involved. This is suitable for all ages, families, schools, clubs, businesses etc. Climb what you can and support two charities which are very special to the hearts of us both - Mayo Roscommon Hospice & Irish Cancer Society Night Nursing services.” At 8,848m high, the duo said Mount Everest is equivalent to approximately 3,500 Flights of Stairs. Shane and Fiona have been training hard and are urging people to get involved and share the fun online, by posting their progress through the social media channels. "We want to say a massive thanks to all who have donated, shared and supported us so far and we are appealing to people to donate and support the cause for the two chosen charities who provide vital care services to the local community." Find out more about the challenge or how to get involved by visiting the Facebook page Everest Staircase Challenge.

Mayo schoolboy organises Minecraft tournament for Crumlin

A young schoolboy from Tuar Mhic Éadaigh is running a charity on-line fundraiser in aid of Crumlin Children's Hospital on April 5, 2021 (Easter Monday ). Tomás Lang, a fifth class pupil at the local national school, has come up with the novel idea of running a “Minecraft 4 Crumlin” fun tournament which is open to all children aged between 10 and 16 years. The entry fee is €15, which goes entirely to Crumlin. Entrants must have the Minecraft Java Edition on a PC or laptop. The closing date for entries is 6pm on April 4. Full details are available at or contact WhatsApp (086 ) 0525653 (adults only ). Parental or guardian consent is necessary. Donations can also be made at

Decrease in number receiving PUP

There was a decrease in the number of people in Mayo in receipt of the Pandemic Unemployment Payment (PUP ) this week. The latest government figures showed that on Monday, March 30, there were 11,834 in receipt of the payment in the county, a reduction of 206 on the previous Monday. There was an increase of 40 recipients of the Enhanced Illness Benefit in Mayo week on week, with the latest figures showing that 3,816 were in receipt of that payment this week.

Big bingo in Balla this weekend

Another big night bingo is coming up virtually in Balla this Easter Sunday night, with a prize fund of €5,000 and a jackpot of €1,000 on 42 calls. Bingo books can be purchased at Property prices increase by two per cent says new report

In Mayo, prices in the first three months of 2021 were two per cent higher than a year previously, according to a new report, compared to a fall of one per cent seen a year ago. The average price of a home is now €157,000, 42 per cent above its lowest point. The national average price of a home is now €233,000, 63 per cent above its lowest point. The average national listed price of housing rose by 7.6 per cent in the year to March 2021, according to the latest House Price Report. The average price in quarter one 2020 was €256k and this has increased to €276k this quarter. This marks the second quarter in a row where prices are nearly eight per cent higher than a year previously, roughly twice the rate of inflation seen during 2018 and 2019. The average sale price nationwide in the first quarter of 2021 was €275,751, up 68 per cent from its lowest point in early 2013, but still one quarter below the Celtic Tiger peak.

Mayo woman appointed to Law Society top post

Swinford native, Mary Keane, has been appointed as the new director general of the Law Society of Ireland, and will be the first female to hold the post. Most recently, the barrister held the position of deputy director general and director of policy and public affairs with the Law Society

Balla Florists wins again at Weddings Online Awards

For the fourth year in a row, Balla Florists has scooped the top award for florists at the Weddings Online Awards. Having won the award in 2018, 2019 and 2020, the Balla-based florists which have worked on over 3,500 weddings, were once again recognised for excellence in their field.

Connolly welcomes funding for Claremorris projects

Councillor Tom Connolly has said he is delighted to have been informed that €370,000 in funding has been approved for Claremorris for the provision of 'two very worthwhile sustainable transport projects'. Cllr Connolly stated: "I am very pleased to learn that two excellent projects will be funded for Claremorris. €170,000 in funding has been approved for a new footpath and cycle lane on Chapel Lane, Claremorris. This will widen the area in Chapel Lane, which up to this has been in poor condition. I have worked on this issue for a long time and I am pleased to see it coming to fruition. €200,000 has been allocated for the provision of a cycle lane on both sides of the N60 from the Kiltimagh Junction towards Claremorris. A pedestrian crossing will also be installed and this will service Mount St Michael Secondary School and Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál. These two projects will deliver huge benefits to the people of Claremorris. It will greatly enhance these two locations and will make cycling and walking much safer for everyone."

Book Magic Project launch

The Book Magic Project was established in April 2019 by the Active and Healthy 0-6 years Subgroup of Mayo Children and Young People’s Services Committee (CYPSC ), to support more parents in County Mayo to read to their children. The Book Magic Project provides families with ‘a bag of books’ that have been carefully selected by the Mayo Library Service. The books deal with a range of topics focusing on emotional wellbeing, all in the form of easy-to-read stories with eye-catching illustrations. This project was a key action of the Active and Healthy Early Years sub-group of Mayo CYPSC. The launch takes place (remotely ) on Thursday April 29, from 10.30-11.30am. It will involve a presentation by the key partners, including Mayo County Library, in the project, followed by a Q&A. You can book a place at the following link:

Chambers calls for paid bereavement leave for workers who suffer miscarriage

Fianna Fáil Senator, Lisa Chambers, is urging the Oireachtas to consider paid bereavement leave for workers who suffer a miscarriage and to follow New Zealand’s lead in so doing - after its legislators voted unanimously to give mothers and their partners bereavement leave after a miscarriage or stillbirth. Senator Chambers stated: “We must consider paid bereavement leave for parents who suffer a miscarriage or stillbirth and allow parents to grieve, without them having to take up their other employee leave entitlements. I would like to commend the efforts of the New Zealand government in bringing forward this important legislation. My Seanad colleague, Labour Senator, Ivana Bacik, has brought forward the Organisation of Working Time (Reproductive Health Related Leave ) Bill 2021 – that will provide for reproductive health-related leave in Irish workplaces, which we, as a party, will be supporting. We need to ensure that supports are available for women and families in the workplace, allowing them the time to grieve while also helping to remove the stigma that surrounds miscarriages."

Garrymore GAA and Gortskehy National School Bingo

On Wednesday, April 7, at 7pm, Garrymore GAA and Gortskehy National School are joining forces to bring you Online Easter Bingo via Zoom. They are collaborating on this joint initiative to raise some much-needed funds which will help provide flood lighting on the newly installed astro turf pitch in Garrymore and support the building of an additional classroom, office and staff room at Gortskehy National School. They will have €2,000 in prizes to give away with 10 games on the night. Books and all details can be found on or the Garrymore GAA or Gortskehy National School Social Media pages. Sales of Bingo books closes on Tuesday, April 6 at 12 midnight.

Hot School Meals Programme extended to five schools in Mayo – Deputy Ring

Michael Ring TD has been informed that the Hot School Meals Programme will be extended to five primary schools in Mayo. Deputy Ring said: "The Covid-19 pandemic presented everyone with many challenges over the past twelve months, including our schoolchildren here in Mayo. The Hot Meals Programme is a major initiative to encourage school attendance. This initiative will consequently facilitate better educational outcomes by the schoolchildren and help tackle the issue of education disadvantage." The schools added to the scheme are S N An Tsraith, Bun Na Habhann; Barnatra N S; S N Dubh Thuama, Gaoth Saile; Beannchor N S, Bangor and Gaelscoil na gCeithre Maol, Bothar Cill Alla Beal an Atha

Additional accommodation for Barnatra NS - Dillon

Fine Gael TD for Mayo, Alan Dillon, has welcomed confirmation from Education Minister, Norma Foley, TD, that additional accommodation has been approved for Barnatra NS in North Mayo. Works have been approved for additional accommodation providing a new special education teacher room and an assisted user toilet at the North Mayo school. Deputy Dillon said: "This additional special education infrastructure further boosts the provision of such infrastructure in recent weeks following approvals for Scoil Iosa in Ballyhaunis and Derrywash NS outside Castlebar. I am sure the 22 pupils at Barnatra NS along with their Principal, Ms O’Malley, are looking forward to the expansion of their school and works commencing over the coming months."

Live life fully and learn mindfulness

Joyce Country and Western Lakes GeoHeritage (a cross-community group collaborating in the JCWL Geopark Project ) are running a six-week introductory course in mindfulness. It starts on April 13 and places are limited. For more info contact Suzanne at [email protected] or (087 ) 2358946 or see

€6,000 to support vulnerable groups affected by Covid-19 across Mayo 

Tesco Ireland has announced that it will dedicate the latest round of donations from its Community Fund to causes throughout Mayo that support the vulnerable and those most impacted by Covid-19. The latest round of funding will see Tesco stores donate €6,000 to local causes including Ballina Lions Club, Bumbleance, Corrib Mask Search and Rescue, among other local and national charities.

Funding to improve access to Mayo fishing spot

Inland Fisheries Ireland has been granted €500,000 in funding to improve infrastructure, safety and access in four angling locations - including Aasleagh, along the Erriff River in Mayo. The works include wheelchair-accessible platforms and a wheelchair-accessible trail. The funding is part of a €6 million package announced this week under measure 3 of the Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme.

Works approved for Straide NS – Deputy Ring

Michael Ring TD, has welcomed confirmation that Straide National School has been granted funds under the Emergency Works Scheme. Emergency Works funding has been approved for roof works. "I look forward to the works being completed as quickly as possible for the Health & Safety of the pupils and teachers in this school," said Deputy Ring.

County Mayo Claremorris Dara Calleary Mayo Michael Ring Government of the Republic of Ireland Facebook Mayo teacher councillor Dara Calleary Fine Gael National School Lisa Chambers Easter Sunday Teachta Dla New Zealand Members of the 31st Dil Mayo Roscommon Hospice Members of the 30th Dil Sean Carey Alan Dillon Seanad fundraiser Claremorris Mayo Roscommon Hospice Foundation Oireachtas Senator director general Cllr Connolly social media channels Chapel Lane Michael Belmullet Tom Connolly Shane Joyce Mayo County Library care services Mary Keane Tesco Fiona International Association of Lions Clubs Easter Monday Education Minister Mount Everest Members of the 32nd Dil Social Media & Networking Hotels & Motels Balla Java Ivana Bacik Mayo Library Service Gortskehy National School Crumlin Children's Hospital Suzanne Community Fund Law Society celtic tiger the Facebook Legal Services St Brendans College Law Society of Ireland April Barnatra Consumer Electronics Retailers Erriff river Mayo Children Young Peoples Services Committee Ring Michael Ring Norma Foley Members of the 33rd Dil Mhic Online awards Mount St Michael Secondary School education infrastructure Diversified Mining Derrywash Food Retail & Distribution (NEC) [email protected] School Districts Lang cross-community Barnatra N S Western Lakes GeoHeritage Beannchor N S deputy director general and director of policy and public affairs fun online Garrymore GAA and Gortskehy National School Scoil Iosa the Weddings Online Awards S N Dubh Thuama Organisation of Working Time Straide National School Book Magic Project Scoil Mhuire Gan New Zealand government Online Easter Bingo (087) 2358946 (086) 0525653 Dillon Fine Gael

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