Almost €3.5 million for cycling and walking infrastructure in Mayo

Mayo County Council has been given €3,349,500 from the National Transport Authority for the provision of sustainable transport projects in Mayo.

There is €350,000 for transport and mobility plans in Ballina and Castlebar, €265,000 for urban mobility plans/network plans for Westport, Belmullet, Bangor, Newport, Louisburgh, Charlestown, Claremorris, Swinford, Foxford, Kiltimagh and Ballyhaunis.

€447,500 has been allocated for pedestrian crossings in Ballina, Westport, Crossmolina and Aughagower. There are four packages for footpath improvements. Package A is €150,000 for Ballina Town and Killala town centre, Package B is €200,000 for the Castlebar-Turlough Road, Package C is worth €417,500 for Kilkelly, Carracastle, Cong, Foxford and Kiltimagh and Package D is worth €390,000 for The Mall in Westport, Carrowteigue village, Newport and Louisburgh.

There are two separate cycling schemes which were allocated funding in Castlebar with €230,000 for the Castlebar-Moneenbradagh cycling scheme and €125,000 for the Castlebar, Lannagh cycling line. €35,000 has been allocated for signage for walking and cycling in Westport with €40,000 allocated for the Shore Road-Convent Walk in Belmullet, with €80,000 for the Swinford urban loop/linkage. In Claremorris, €170,000 has been allocated for a new footpath and cycle lane on Chapel Street.

A safe to schools programme support infrastructure has been allocated €95,000, Low cost permeability measures in Castlebar and Westport have been allocated €104,500 and high segregation cycle schemes in Castlebar and Claremorris has been allocated €205,000.

Mayo Fine Gael TD Michael Ring welcomed the funding, saying: "This funding will make walking and cycling more attractive, safe and accessible to everyone and it will make a real difference in our communities."

Fianna Fáil Deputy Dara Calleary added: "Delighted to confirm that announcement of funding for Mayo includes the allocation of €400,000 for Ballina under Active Travel Funding 2021. Well done to the Municipal Area officials for their trojan work on this."

Their constituency colleague, Deputy Alan Dillon, also welcomed the funding, saying: "This funding will support the rollout of high-quality active travel infrastructure in rural towns and villages across Mayo. This safe and accessible infrastructure will ensure that our local communities are better connected, and that healthier forms of travel continue to become a more attractive choice for the people of Mayo."

Chair of the Mayo Greens, Liam Heffron, also welcomed the news, saying: "Developing high quality walking and cycling facilities will encourage more people to switch to active travel and will contribute to tackling climate change. Connecting communities and making walking and cycling attractive, safe and accessible to everyone, is what this funding will help to accomplish.

"We think this will be a huge bonus for communities across the county and will help boost the county’s attractiveness as a tourism destination further."


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