On Wednesday, March 24 the Linenhall Arts Centre will launch the brand-new series Stories, Songs and Shenanigans with Aindrias de Staic, hosted by the dynamic actor, musician and storyteller.
Filmed in the renowned Linenhall theatre space, and released digitally on-demand, the series will feature a special guest artist over four weeks as they sing, play music and share stories from pre-pandemic times. “As everyone knows, we are starved of live music at the moment. We need access to the arts more than ever and we want this series with Aindrias to be a small step towards offering our audiences access to music from the West of Ireland, until we can open our doors again”, said Linenhall Director, Bernadette Greenan.
Aindrias de Staic, known for his ability to weave local stories with song and music, will now be getting the best tunes and wild Atlantic wit out of some of the West’s most interesting performers. The series will feature Nicola Joyce of The Whileaways, Leo Moran of The Saw Doctors and more surprise guests over the course of four weeks.
Described as a new generation of Irish storyteller, Aindrias de Staic is also a well-known musician, actor, and captivating yarn-spinner. "The exciting thing about digital and online performances is that they can be enjoyed from the comfort of your own home.
"Of course, it will never compensate for the magic of live music, but we believe Aindrias is definitely lively enough to keep people engaged!” says Greenan. De Staic is best known for his award-winning one man shows Around the World on 80 Quid, The Year I Got Younger, The Summer I Did the Leaving and The Man From Moogaga."
Tickets are just €5 per episode and will be available on the Linenhall’s website and audiences can buy a ticket for as many episodes as they like.
The series will run at 7pm over four Wednesdays (March 24, March 31, April 7 and April 14 ) and audience members have four hours to access and view each performance. Visit www.thelinenhall.com or email Bernie at director@thelinenhall.com or Maura at info@thelinenhall.com for more information.
All four episodes were filmed behind closed doors in the Linenhall building and within Covid-19 restrictions and guidelines. Filming, or other recording of performances in a theatre, concert hall, museum or art gallery, without an audience present, for the purposes of broadcasting is permitted under Level 5.