Ring welcomes extension of contracts for Community Employment and TÚS schemes

Michael Ring TD has received confirmation that participants of Community Employment (CE ) and TÚS schemes, whose contracts were due to finish over the period since last October, will now benefit from a further extension up to July 2.

Deputy Ring stated: "The work that CE and TÚS workers carry out is absolutely vital to local communities right across Mayo. It is this Government’s priority to ensure that there’s continuity and certainty for CE and TÚS schemes throughout the current restrictions. I absolutely value the contribution that CE and TÚS schemes make on a daily basis in our towns, villages and parishes throughout Mayo.

"Community Employment needs to be viewed not just as an important employment and development support, but also as an integral community service, particularly in rural areas. Under the Government’s July Stimulus Programme last year, approval was secured for 3,000 additional places to support CE and TÚS schemes.

"These additional places underline the Government’s commitment to CE and TUS and will provide opportunities for new schemes as well as facilitating more people on the existing schemes. Filling these additional places, as well as those arising from existing vacancies, will be an absolute priority for Government, once the economy and society begins to move beyond COVID and public health restrictions ease.

"All of these measures will provide further certainty to CE schemes, participants and the important community services they provide, while supporting long-term unemployed people during this challenging COVID environment. The Department would like to re-assure participants of CE and TÚS projects that contracts due to end post July 2, 2021, will be done on a planned and phased basis."


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