‘Proud record’ of past five years of Westport Area Committee

As it was the last meeting of the Westport Area Committee before election time, town manager Peter Hynes said that it was important to look back at the proactive work achieved by the area committee during the last five years, and highlighted some momentous achievements such as the: Westport Environs Plan; the Aughagower sewerage scheme; the car park at Silverstrand; the Louisburgh Playshcool; beach management and beach bye-laws; navigational aids at Clew Bay; the improvement of piers in the county; tourism projects—walks, cycleways; housing projects in Aughagower and Cushlough; the redevelopment of the old station in Newport; the scheme in Kilmeena; the development and the improvement of housing and roads in the area.

Councillor John O’Malley said the work done by the committee was a “great achievement”, with the councillor saying that he was particularly proud of the work done in Kilmeena on the canal which alleviated flooding.

Cllr Margaret Adams said that the committee has a “proud record” to look back on. The councillor commended the work done on coastal walks, the Murrisk car park, and the Drumindoo water scheme, and thanked Minster Eamon O’Cuiv for his investment in the islands and Clar programme.

Fine Gael councillor Austin O’Malley said that he was proud of the work done on the Roonagh to Louisburgh road, the carpark at Silver Strand, and the Louisburgh village enhancement.

Fianna Fáil councillor Frank Chambers said that during their term there was improvement of the quality of life on the islands and mainland and wished all three councillors every success in the future elections. All three councillors wished Cllr Frank Chambers well in his retirement and each other the best of luck in being re-elected. Mr Hynes also thanked the councillors and staff for their hard work over the past five years and especially thanked Cllr Chambers for his long and dedicated service.


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