Creative Ireland Community Grant Scheme for heritage, arts and culture

Mayo County Council is pleased to announce its 2021 Creative Ireland Community Grant Scheme.

The aim of the fund is to provide support to local community groups; artistic, heritage and creative practitioners; event organisers and those involved in creative activities and projects, to encourage creativity, collaboration and cultural participation.

The Fund is being administered by Mayo County Council and will be evaluated by the Mayo County Council Creative Ireland Culture Team. Creative Ireland is a five-year all-of-government initiative, from 2017 to 2022, which places creativity at the centre of public policy.

Their vision is 'to maximise opportunities for engagement in culture, heritage and creativity, to nurture creative talent, whilst embedding the individual, social and economic benefits. Each year they wish to develop a programme of work/events which corresponds with one or more of the strategy priorities'.

Mayo Creative Ireland Coordinator Austin Vaughan said: "This year we are particularly pleased to advertise this scheme as the importance of culture, heritage and creativity have never been more immportant than in this time of lockdown.

"We realise that most proposals will be of an online/digital nature, but this will have the advantage of making them more widely available. So we are asking Mayo artists, heritage workers, coders and any organisation or individual with an interest, to use this fund to show the world the wonderful cultural heritage and creativity that we have here in Mayo."

The closing date for applications is March 31. For 2021, total funding of €35,000 has been allocated for Community grants. For full details and application forms go to:


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