Decade of Centenaries grant funding open as ambitious programme planned in Mayo

Mayo County Council is inviting applications for funding under their Decade of Centenaries Grant 2021.

The Council is seeking applications from community groups, historical and commemorative groups and tidy towns groups who wish to commemorate events which happened in Mayo during 1921.

The aim of this commemorative funding is to ensure that events are remembered at community level in a respectful, measured, inclusive and non-partisan manner, that recognises the differing perspectives on our shared history.

Since 2012, the council has run a programme of events each year to mark the centenary of important historical events in our history, ranging from the 1913 lockout, the Great War to the 1916 rising and the sweeping change that came about after the 1918 general election.

Austin Vaughan, Mayo County Librarian explained: "This year we are commemorating the War of Independence and the period that is the most challenging and sensitive phase of the Decade of Centenaries.

"1921 was the most violent year of the War of Independence in Mayo with events such as the Kilmeena Ambush, martial law in Westport, the Kilmeena, Carrowkennedy and Tourmakeady ambushes, culminating eventually in the Truce on July 11.

"We understand that authentic commemoration requires us to approach the consideration of the events of our past with understanding, empathy and a generosity of spirit to respect all traditions.

"The council itself has plans to commemorate the events of 1921 in a number of ways, including a book on the period, an artist in residence, a Mayo history podcast, the digitisation of council minute books of the period and a Decade of Commemorations website. This funding is our call out to communities to propose ideas to commemorate events in their localities.”

Cathaoirleach of Mayo County Council, Richard Finn, stated: "Authentic commemoration challenges us to commemorate in a spirit of mutual respect and kindness. The event at Soloheadbeg last year showed the potential of commemoration to empower reconciliation and to ensure that events and all the lives lost are remembered respectfully, sensitively and sincerely. We know that commemorations in Mayo will be equally respectful.”

This initiative is supported by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media under the Community Strand of the Decade of Centenaries Programme.

For applications forms and further information go to:


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