It’s really important that we take notice of the signs. Our bodies are amazing and are talking to us all the time. We just need to take the time to listen.
Unfortunately for lots of us, the body is screaming before we fully take notice. So, what are the signs that there may be a struggle going on for us? Finding it hard to go off to sleep or sleeping too much, avoiding phone-calls/self care/bathing/teeth brushing etc, can be signs that something is not ok.
If we ignore these signs they can become bigger and we become overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, angry. It may show with us drinking more, having unnecessary arguments, unable to complete tasks.
The body is wise, and this is the body's way of letting us know that we are not taking care of ourselves and it's showing this to us through our emotional wellbeing.
It can also show itself to us through our physical wellbeing, with symptoms such as skin breakouts, irritations, stomach upsets, joint pain, back ache, to name a few.
Most of the time we just need to make some adjustments and life comes back into sync, but sometimes, we need a little more support and may need to visit the GP, if, physically, we are having difficulty, or maybe talk to a friend if it's emotional, or if that does not feel ok, to reach out and speak with a trained professional.
Contact us today or Mary at (086 ) 0709843 in complete confidence. Our team is ready to support you. Be the change you want in your life.