€33,525,916 for maintenance and renewal of road network in Mayo

Local Fine Gael TDs have welcomed the announcement that €33,525,916 has been allocated for the maintenance and renewal of the road network in Mayo for 2021.

Deputy Michael Ring said: "This funding will cover routine maintenance to safeguard our infrastructure, ensure that our roads are resilient against the deteriorating effects of climate change and also contains provisions for walking and cycling infrastructure and safety schemes."

Over €17 million has been given for Restoration Improvement and almost €5 million for Restoration Maintenance. Also specific funding of €850,000 has been included for the R312 Glenisland Road/Bridge alignment and €200,000 has been included for rehabilitation works on the Achill Sound Bridge, Achill and €16,700 allocated for rehabilitation works on Moyour Bridge, Westport.

Funding for Safety Improvement Works include €40,000 for the R314 road at Muings, Barnatra and €20,000 for the L1818 at Aughagower."

Deputy Ring continued: "Maintaining our regional and local road network in Mayo is not only important for connectivity, but crucial to ensuring safety on our roads, reducing road collisions and protecting lives."

Deputy Alan Dillon said: "Maintaining our regional and local road network in County Mayo is not only important for connectivity, but crucial to ensuring safety on our roads, reducing road collisions and protecting lives.

"Funding for the rollout of a signage programme relating to lower speed limits in housing areas as well as ‘safe passing’ signs for cyclists, will also be provided for as part of these allocations. Routine maintenance works are fundamental to safeguarding our road infrastructure and keeping the network in a good condition

"All strategic road improvement investment schemes will include provisions for walking and cycling infrastructure to take account of the needs of all road users, including cyclists and pedestrians.

"I commend my colleagues Minister Eamon Ryan and Minister of State Hildegarde Naughton for this critically important investment. I know it will make a huge difference to our road network in Mayo.”


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