Mayo Fianna Fáil TD, Dara Calleary, is advising the public that the deadline for submissions to the public consultation phase of the National Development Plan has been extended to February 19.
Deputy Calleary was informed of the extension by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath, TD.
Deputy Calleary said: "The public consultation (#ReviewToRenew ) was launched on November 3, 2020. The consultation offers everyone the opportunity to contribute their views to inform and influence this important policy review – as part of the negotiations for the Programme for Government. I insisted that this review would be included.
"The review offers us an opportunity to ensure that investment in our economy is maximised so that it benefits every region. A strong component of the Programme for Government is Regional Development.
"The projects that are funded under the National Development Plan impact where we live, how we work, how we travel; our health and education systems; and social, cultural and sporting facilities.
"As Mayo and west of Ireland dwellers, this is our opportunity to put forward our ideas, our goals and our ambitions for the area. The final review of the National Development Plan is expected to be completed in the summer of 2021 and it is imperative that crucial infrastructural projects and investments that will help to enhance and develop Mayo and the West, are included – such as the N26, N5, N17, Western Rail Track, Knock Airport, but also in areas such as water and sewerage, health, education and broadband.
"I am encouraging everyone who has done so already, to please make a submission. Political representation will be greatly enhanced with public support for our projects and for our area," said Deputy Calleary.
Respondents are requested to make their submissions to