Ballyhaunis inclusion project wins Volunteer Ireland Award

South West Mayo Development Company and Mayo Volunteer Centre are delighted to announce that Ballyhaunis Inclusion Project has won a Volunteer Ireland 2020 award in recognition of its work supporting people living in direct provision in Ballyhaunis and connecting asylum seekers with the local community.

Ballyhaunis Inclusion Project was set up in 2018 by a group of asylum seeker women living in the Direct Provision in Ballyhaunis. Nina Arwitz, the CEO of Volunteer Ireland remarked that: "We were so inspired to hear Ballyhaunis Inclusion Project’s dedication to supporting refugees, asylum seekers and migrants across the country. The breadth of projects and supports provided are remarkable."

SWMDC’s Social Inclusion Coordinator, Maria McHale, said: "We in South West Mayo Development Company and Mayo Intercultural Action are proud to support Ballyhaunis Inclusion Project and we are delighted that they have been chosen, from hundreds of nominations, to receive this award. It is richly deserved."

Ola Mustapha, the founder of the group and the recipient of the Christine Buckley Volunteer award last year, said: "This award has shown us that we can all experience each other's humanity when we are part of each other's journey. We appreciate everyone who supports us."

The group was presented with the award on International Volunteer Day, December 5, by Lesley Moore, manager of the Mayo Volunteer Centre, who said: "It is a privilege to present you with this honourable award on behalf of Volunteer Ireland. Your contribution to Mayo communities is remarkable and your achievement is an inspiration to all the volunteers throughout the county."


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