Mayo Social Inclusion Awareness Week a big success

Mayo Social Inclusion Week is a chance to promote and highlight the very positive work that the public and the community sectors do on a day to day basis to reduce discrimination, racism, poverty and social exclusion and to reflect on the many challenges

Mayo Social Inclusion Awareness Week 2020 was held as part of National Social Inclusion Week and is an initiative of Mayo Local Community Development Committee (LCDC ) Social Inclusion working group.

The working group comprises representatives from many groups and organisations throughout County Mayo representing many people in our community.

This year Social Inclusion Week 2020 took place from Monday October 12 to Sunday October 18. It was certainly a week with a difference as many events took place online including the Social Inclusion Awareness Week launch.

The 2020 Mayo Social Inclusion Week Theme was ‘Meitheal’. Meitheal is a word that implies a community spirit, a coming together of people for the greater good.

There were 32 events listed for this year's Social Inclusion week the majority of which were held online due to Covid-19 restrictions.

This year the quality of events rolled out was very significant starting with an online launch. The Launch was streamed live on Facebook page.

The launch comprised a warm opening address from Cllr Neil Cruise chair of working group, The launch of “Mayo Says No to Racism” Video and a very strong and powerful Keynote talk from Rose Marie Maughan from the Irish Traveller Movement.

This was rounded off by some words from Anne Finn SICAP Manager Mayo North East and then to finish, 14-year-old aspiring singer Jessica Mc Donagh stole the show.

Many other online events took place including quality events from Mayo Mental Health, Tacu Family Resource Centre, Mayo Traveller Support Group.

This year Mayo Social Inclusion Week flagship event was a Webinar called Mayo Men and Diversity. The Webinar was chaired by Dr Mark Garavan GMIT Mayo and featured panellists Rory O Neill (Panti Bliss ) and Shairoze Akram Mayo GAA Star, James and Keith Maughan and Damien O'Connor. Listen back to an inspiring insight into what its like being a Mayo Man from the LGBTI+, Ethnic Minority, Traveller community or someone who is living with disability.

A dedicated SIAW booklet of events was developed and the coordinated by Mayo County Councils Community Section and Mayo North East through their SICAP programme.

Mayo North East also supported the Mayo Men and Diversity Webinar and Anne Finn Mayo North East SICAP manager expressed the importance of Social Inclusion Week each year.

To download a copy of the 2020 Booklet of Events held or to view Mayo Social Inclusion Awareness Week Launch, Mayo Men and Diversity Webinar and the Mayo Says No to Racism video please log onto


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