New waste presentation byelaws set to address illegal dumping across the county

As part of its commitment to tackling the issue of illegal dumping across the county, Mayo County Council has adopted the Waste Management (Segregation, Storage and Presentation of Household and Commercial Waste ) Bye Laws. The new legislation came into force on October 19.

The byelaws re-enforce the responsibility on householders and businesses to engage the services of a permitted waste collector or use an authorised waste facility and to maintain receipts for inspection by Mayo County Council’s Environment Enforcement Officers.

Each year Mayo County Council commit significant funding to cleaning up waste that is illegally dumped. The newly adopted byelaws are part of a suite of measures used by Mayo County Council to tackle the issue of illegal dumping, including a strong environmental education programme to assist householders and businesses in managing their waste correctly.

Failure to comply with any of the requirements of the byelaws may result in a Fixed Penalty Notice of €75 or a fine of up to €2,500 on conviction.

The main requirement of the byelaws are as follows: (1 ) Residual and recyclable waste must be separated correctly and presented for collection to a permitted waste collector for a kerbside collection; (2 ) If not availing of a kerbside collection, waste must be segregated and delivered directly to an authorised waste facility. Receipts must be kept, as proof that this is the option that is being used; (3 ) Householders living in towns with a population of over 500 people must also avail of a brown bin service as part of the kerbside collection and food waste must be kept separate from other waste; (4 ) Kerbside waste presented for collection shall not be presented for collection earlier than 6 pm on the day immediately preceding the designated waste collection day; (5 ) Wheelie bins used for the presentation of kerbside waste shall be maintained in such condition and state of repair that the waste placed in the bins will not be a source of nuisance or litter; (6 ) Household waste that comprises of hazardous waste or waste electrical and electronic equipment shall not be placed in bins provided for kerbside collection; (7 ) Other than on the day before, and the designated waste collection day, containers used for the presentation of kerbside should not be stored on a roadway, footway, footpath or any other public place and (8 ) Owners and/or management companies of apartment complexes must ensure adequate containers are provided for residual and recyclable waste in designated storage points and it is the responsibility of the occupant to separate waste and use the waste storage points correctly.

Householders and businesses are encouraged to visit the National Public Waste Management Support Website Full details of the Mayo County Council’s Waste Presentation Byelaws are available from


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