Planning certainty is needed to attract industry

Fine Gael Cllr Jarlath Munnelly has said that planning certainty is needed on potential sites for industrial development in the county. Cllr Munnelly was speaking at the Economic Development, Enterprise Support, Planning and Marine Strategic Policy Committee of Mayo County Council this week.

During a discussion on the potential of the IDA site in Ballina for development - Cllr Munnelly said that planning certainty was essential to ensure that sites became attractive for potential investors. He outlined the issues that Apple had in Athenry, where objections to planning saw the project derailed and went on to point out the success of the IDA site in Castlebar, where Misner Filtration have set up 'where the site was a ready to go set-up that had planning certainty and this is what is needed in sites around the county'.


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