New taking in charge policy needed

Cllr Al McDonnell has called for a new process to be put in place for Mayo County Council to 'take over roads that are falling between two stools' following the changing of the way the Local Improvement Scheme (LIS ) works.

Speaking at the September meeting of the Castlebar Municipal District, Cllr McDonnell, stated: "The new criteria says applications must come from a road where two land owners exist and they both have herd numbers and have proof of payments being made to them. What that does is eliminate a number of roads that would have before qualified for LIS funding, those roads are in no man's land at the moment and we need to change the criteria where any road that leads to a number of houses, it should be the policy of the council to take those over, because they can't be done under LIS anymore." He received support from other councillors who suggested it should be done as part of the current review of the county development plan - while senior engineer for Mayo County Council, Ann Sweeney, suggested that it should be brought to the Roads Strategic Policy Committee of the council where a county wide policy could be formed.


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